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- Bloody Alboz - "Unikkatil Prezenton The Bloody Alboz" [Date Added: 08/13/2004]
- "UniKKatil Prezenton BLOODY ALBOZ,"  eshte albumi i mirpritur

nga Unikkatil dhe Bloodyalboz, i cili do te jet ne treg se shpejti.

Albumi do t'ket rreth 20 kang, dhe vetem kang, mund te ket

1 interlude gjithsej. Albumi pritet me ndrru Hip-Hopin shqiptar,

osht dicka qe s'ka ekzistu tek Hip-Hopi Shqiptar...Se Shpejti

do t'jen radhitja e kangve, dhe mundsisht disa kang...

per me shum, vizitone forumin, ose <>


Vetem per unikkatili-in



- Albumi "Shihemi N'perkujtime" SHTYHET per her te 2'te!
Ne emer te  "Conqueror Records" kerkojme falje per shtyrjen e
albumit "Shihemi N'përkujtime." Albumi shtyhet per arsye
personale... Mbas 24 Nëntor-it do t'ju lajmrojm se kur do te
lshohet albumi...

-The Double "SHIHEMI N'PERKUJTIME" album release date is nearing,
very soon it will be available on this website and on many
other websites. It will have at least 24 tracks on it with many
guest appearances from many artists. We will have the track
listing for you very soon. Expect it to be available within
a month.
Rebel has been making songs from a very young age, and though
underground his level of skill and professionalism is at the
top level. Once people hear his music he is on his way to a
great career being the next Albanian Star, on music
entertainment all across the country.  No matter where he goes
he will always carry his Albanian Pride,  "Red & Black". He
has all the requirements for making it big, as you can tell
from many of the songs that he has produced. They all sound
like they were produced by some million dollar record label.
TBA is taking ground and nothing can stop them, just like at
radio Ateda Rebels songs made hits of the week, in the future
watch Bloody Alboz compete in the top charts for the best
rappers in the States.

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